MUSIC MARKETING campaigns designed to help you grow
FOR ARTISTS, LABELS, and AGENCIES. Anyone can learn how to market, it just takes time… time that you could spend writing your next hit, practicing for your next show, or
our process
Our MUSIC MARKETING service is more than just creating ads and spending your budget.
It’s optimizing every aspect of your next campaign to make the most of your investment.
We do that with 5 simple steps…
The first step is to decide what your goals are with the campaign.
Do you want to grow your number on Spotify? Grow engagement on socials? Grow your email list? Push pre-saves or pre-orders?
We can tailor the campaign toward your specific goals.
For upcoming releases or longer campaigns, we also sit down with you to discuss and optimize your release timeline.
There are really two steps here. First we will go through your current data on FB & IG and create custom audiences based on people who already follow and engage with your accounts.
Then, we will research your network to see what other interests and artists we should target in the campaign.
We put a lot of emphasis on ensuring that we are reaching music listeners who are most likely to convert into not just listeners, but engaged, long-term fans.
If you have assets already created specifically for ads, we will review what you have to see if it will work for the campaign objective. If not, we will create the assets for you.
Before we properly launch the objective-based campaign, we first will launch a campaign designed specifically to test the audiences we have created based on the research above. Once the audience has been narrowed, we test creatives until we have a winning combination.
Once we are into the objective-based campaign, we continue to check data and optimize weekly (as needed) to ensure we are getting maximum results for your budget.
Where other marketing agencies would charge for each of these steps as their own services,
they're all included in every marketing campaign we run.
We create and run ads on Facebook and Instagram, sending listeners to your destination of choice.
All campaigns are three months.
There are dozens of variables that come into play in digital marketing. The only way to run a successful campaign is to take enough time to test each variable and find the best option therein. Through the hundreds of campaigns we’ve run, we’ve found that three months is enough time to properly test, and fine-tune campaigns.
Nope! Our onboarding process is very easy. We’ll send you a link, you’ll click on a few things to give us access, click to submit, and done!
We will only have permission to create ads using your pages / accounts. We won’t be able to check your inbox, or directly make public posts on your accounts.
We run all ads through our agency ad account. The main reason we do this is to increase the speed of the onboarding time, so we can easily get campaigns up and running.
While you won’t have direct access into the campaigns, we will send overview videos of how everything is set up and running.
The ad spend is charged to our agency (since ads are run on our account), and the base cost is included in our fee. All invoices will include ad spend.
Yes, of course. We will collect emails, in addition to general data information. We are more than happy to share any data you request with you.
Yes, of course!
We usually recommend starting the marketing process with an “old” or current release so that we can use that data to really hone in on the proper audience.
It’s never too late or too soon to start marketing!
As long as your song is good and the visuals are good, we can guarantee growth. We cannot guarantee specific results, however, because at the end of the day the exact results are reliant upon how listeners receive your music.
In general, we see an average cost of ~ $0.20/conversion (sending someone to a destination). Using a $10/day ad spend, that’s roughly 50 conversions a day, or 1,500 conversions a month.
Since we are sending engaged, highly targeted traffic to your music, you will see multiple engagements (listens, saves, follows, playlist adds) per conversion, which further enhances the value of each conversion.
A NOTE ON ROI (RETURN ON INVESTMENT): Music Marketing is what’s called a “top of funnel” marketing strategy. The goal is to get people engaged in what you do, so that you can continue to develop a relationship with them.
Music streaming platforms pay $0.05 per stream (as a rough average). Using the number above, that’s a net loss of $0.15 per conversion. BUT, if you get multiple streams from one listener, or that listener goes to a show or buys merch online for $20, you’re then making a huge ROI.
ROI is a long-term game. Marketing is the starting line.
We create a shared “Project” with all clients that allows for open communication at all times. We will check in with official updates weekly, and will send video updates at the end of each month. If you prefer to do phone calls, we can also make that happen!
In short: We can communicate as much (or as little) as you want. Just let us know your preference, and we will match it!
Of course! Send an email to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
A small note: If you want to hop on a call to discuss specifics of campaigns, we do require a non-refundable $50 deposit.
Click the button below to submit your information.
Someone on our team will be in touch within 48 hours to finalize details.
Have questions? Contact us.